Aire - Foundation
Nursery and Reception.
This half term our topic for Nursery and Reception is ‘Hot and cold.’ We have definitely had the weather for learning about the cold! We will be talking and finding out about different countries, the animals that live there and how they are adapted to live in a hot or cold place. This week we have discussed colours that represent hot and cold and created a contrasting collage. We will also be playing with and watching ice melt and thinking about how the grounds have changed now the we are in the season winter. This week we noticed footprints in the snow and tried to work who or what might have made the prints. We then used this learning to try make footprint in the playdough. This was fantastic on the spot learning!
Nursery will continue to do lots of activities to help develop their fine and gross motor skills- pre-skills for writing. They will also continue their key worker group each day where they will be developing their listening and taking turns skills. The children really enjoy their group time – lots of smiling faces during and afterwards. It is a great start to the day!
The older Nursery children, who will be starting Reception in September, will also start to do short focus maths and phonics this half term. The activities are very practical to keep the children engaged e.g. playing with musical instruments and going on listening walks. The younger children won’t be missing out either they will continue doing squiggle while you wiggle and also play lots of circle games to help with listening and communication skills. Please look out for this exciting learning on Tapestry.
In English we will be reading different books including, ‘The girl who loves wellies’ and ‘Handa’s surprise.’ We will be challenging the children to use their phonics learning to write two- and three-word phrases relating to these books. We will also be doing some non-fiction writing about animals that live in the hot and cold. During phonics lessons we have moved onto phase 3 sounds- these sounds are diagraphs so two letters that make one sound e.g. ch, sh, ng. We will have a big focus on reading and writing the words with diagraphs in. We have noticed the children are not as confident with their phase 2 tricky words and high frequency words so this is going to be a big focus this half term. We will also be sending this home and would appreciate it if you could practise these at home too. In Maths we will be continuing our learning on numbers beyond 5. We will be looking at what numbers add together to make the numbers. We will be using the sentence stem ‘2 and 3 makes 5’. Please encourage your child to use this at home too. I am hoping you are finding Tapestry useful and seeing some of the learning the children are doing at home. Please add any home learning or activities you have doing at home as the children love to show it on the big screen.
Please continue to read at home with your child daily – can we be the reading board winners again?
If you have any questions, please send us a message on Dojo or speak to an adult on the door. Thank you for your continued support.