Yangtze - Year Two
This term our topic is ‘Leeds and Beijing.’ We will be finding out about our city and will be comparing it to the city of Beijing in China. We will also be finding out about the countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We will be making a 3d map of a city with human and physical features.
In English we will be reading Paddington Bear and stories about Chinese New Year and will be busy writing stories, character descriptions and diaries. We will also be reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark during story time. We will continue to work hard to learn our spellings each week and will use Spelling Shed to help us.
In Art we will be creating cityscapes, flag artwork and collages of owls.
In Maths we will be continuing to learn to add and subtract 2-digit numbers. We will also be learning to multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10.
We will be continuing with our Materials science topic and we will be designing and evaluating bags in Design and Technology.
Our MindMate topic is Life Changes and our PSHE topic is Medicines and Me.
In PE we will be developing our co-ordination (footwork) and balancing skills. This half term we will have our skipping workshop and have sessions with the gymnastics coach each week. Each Friday will be learning how to play African drums.