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Naburn Road
Whinmoor, Leeds, LS14 2BL
United Kingdom

0113 2930280

White Laith Primary School is situated within Whinmoor in Leeds. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging. We aim to treat everyone with equal dignity and worth valuing their particular characteristics. The Staff and Governors are determined to make our school a place of excellence and the children
share that desire.



Knowledge Organisers

The Victorians

The Vikings

Mississippi - Year Six

I can’t believe it is the last half term already! Let’s make the most of it!

We will be continuing with our ‘Coasts’ topic which the children are really excited about as it will prepare us for our Whitby trip! Thank you so much for donating mocktail items for us to sell- we still do need a few more items so if you are able, please do send in: lemonade, juice or fruit.

In English, we will start reading ‘Room 13’ which I know the children will love- as do Mrs Kewley and I! We will write poems which we will then act out. Some of us will even get to perform our poems on the stage in front of an audience- more information to follow!  In Maths, we will be carrying out lots of investigations and learning how to draw a dart board using a protractor and a compass. We have already started to learn how to draw circles and the children are really enjoying it. In Science, we will continue with our hearts unit then we will be learning about evolution. To link with our Coasts topic, we will be drawing/painting shells in Art. Our Mindmate lesson will be ‘Solving problems and making it better’. We will then start our Identity, Society and Equality unit. In PE, we are going to be playing rounders alongside our REAL PE unit. We will be practising our throwing, catching and batting skills and learning tactics. We will also be doing gymnastics.

A few reminders:

  • Please remember to read every night and remind your child to make a comment in their reading diary along with which pages they have read.

  • Don’t forget to bring in a water bottle- there are still some people that don’t have one in school.

Books we will be reading in year 6